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Holy Rood

Catholic Primary School

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Chaplaincy Club

Tuesday 14th & 21st November 2023

Let's get ready for Advent!

Our Chaplains have been super excited since we are approaching a wonderful time of year - Advent. They decided it would be an amazing idea to launch an assembly to the children of Holy Rood to explain what Advent means, including what we can do as children of God to prepare for Jesus' second coming. During their Chaplaincy club, they thought of fun ways to engage the children while also teaching them all about this special season. 



Tuesday 7th November 2023
Our Chaplaincy team met with Holy Rood's School Councillors today to discuss the tragic events which are currently going on in the world. They realised that unfortunately, there are families suffering in Palestine and Israel, and decided that as children of God, it is imperative that we come together and help God's world. They came up with a brilliant idea - raising money for the families currently suffering in Palestine and Israel. Posters were created to inform the rest of the children that we will be having a non-school uniform day in exchange for monetary donations! 
