Religious Education
R.E is a core subject at Holy Rood Catholic Primary School. We follow the God Matter's scheme of work which comprises 10 units. These 10 units are taught annually in every year group but the focus and content is different thus ensuring continuity and progression from Reception to Y6. The units taught are listed below in the order that we teach them except for the unit on Sacraments - this can be taught at any time over the liturgical year.
Autumn term:
- Creation - Children learn about about the creation story and developing this learning to explore why we should look after God's creation
- Prayer, Saints and Feasts - Children explore our relationship with God and how we celebrate our Saints.
- Advent - Children think about how we prepare for the waiting of Jesus' birth
- Christmas - Children look at the story of Christmas and what it means to us.
Spring term:
- Sacraments - Children develop an understanding of each of the 7 sacraments within the Catholic Faith.
- Revelation - Children develop their knowledge of how we should follow God's laws and how we are waiting for Jesus to come again.
- Lent - Children develop an understanding of how we prepare for Jesus' death.
- Holy Week- Children explore each of the different stages of Holy Week and empathise with Jesus' and the disciples feelings throughout this time.
Summer term
- Easter - Children are given the opportunities to explore the sacrifice Jesus and God made at this time.
- Pentecost - Children will learn about how Jesus sent the gift of the Holy Spirit to the disciples after his Ascension to heaven, held on the seventh Sunday after Easter.
- Life to the Full- this is a recommended programme of study for Catholic schools for Sex and Relationship Education, and has been written as a progressive scheme of work that supports the Religious Education, PSHE and Science curriculum taught within the school.
During His life on earth, Jesus showed respect for those within and outside His own faith community. This encourages Christians to do likewise. The Church calls us to be committed to respecting people of other religions and to recognise that God is at work in them. To celebrate and embrace other religions such as, Judaism, Hinduism and Sikhism are taught throughout the school within each year group. Progression can be seen through the topics that are covered in each year group.