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Holy Rood

Catholic Primary School

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Year 2

Morning Year 2!

Welcome back to some exciting online work today smiley

We have set you three activities to complete. There is 1 Maths activity, 1 Reading activity and 1 Science activity. Please see below for further information. 


Below you will find a PDF interactive worksheet about measuring length and height. We have completed lots of measuring in class so please use this learning to help you complete the questions carefully. 


Once you have completed the measuring worksheet, log in to Numbots and see if you can reach the next level! 




Please log into Cracking Comprehension to complete the reading text all about the first aeroplane flight. You will already have lots of knowledge about this from our enquiry learning in class. 




In class we have been learning about how to keep our bodies healthy. We have explored which foods are best for our bodies and how much of each food group we need. In addition to this, we have discussed what we need to do to have good hygiene. We would like you to create an information poster to tell everyone else 'How to keep your body healthy'. Remember to include lots of interesting information, key facts and pictures with labels. Please use the examples below to help you. 


We hope you all have a lovely day and a happy half term! laugh

Miss Glennon and Miss Mendham 

