Last Year's School Council Club
The King's Coronation
Our School Councillors delivered an exceptional assembly whereby they explained the meaning and significance of the King's Coronation. We even crowned our very own King as we discussed the symbolism behind the Sovereign's orb, sceptre and St Edward's crown. The children were fascinated when discovering that St Edward's crown weighs approximately the same as 5 tins of soup!
British Values
Our school councillors have been busy learning all about our 5 British Values during our meetings. We discussed how these values link with our very important school values, and how we show them in school. They have created a beautiful display in the hall for everyone to see.
Here are some of they ways we show our British Values in school, explained by our school councillors:
"We show the value of Democracy by forming our own school council team!"
"We show the value of Rule of Law by creating our class charter at the beginning of every year."
"We show Tolerance of other Faiths and Beliefs by learning about different religions such as Sikhism, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism."
"Our school allows us to be free and make our own decisions. For example, we choose our wonderings during our enquiry lessons!"
"We always respect people in not only our school, but our community too."
Heidi Alexander
Today, we were very fortunate to speak with a former Labour MP, Heidi Alexander, who told us all about how laws are created and the importance of debating. We discussed our school values and how they link with our British Values, too! Heidi was impressed with our superb knowledge of how democracy works and how we demonstrate this value in school.
Turkey and Syria
During our school council meeting, the school councillors expressed their worries about the devastating events that are currently happening in Turkey and Syria. They explained that as a school, we should show the values of Love and Compassion by helping the families who are in need. We spoke to the head teacher who agreed that this would be a brilliant idea and have since set up a donations page on ParentPay.
They also created posters to share with the rest of the school.