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Holy Rood

Catholic Primary School

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Deepening Prayer

How do we Deepen Prayer at Holy Rood?

  • Lead Rosary club and prayer intentions during the month of May. 
  • Create Advent prayer bags to send home during the season of Advent.
  • Create Lenten prayer jars for each class. 
  • Support classes with their planning and delivery of Collective Worship.
  • Support the parish priest in helping to prepare for Masses in school throughout the year.

Take a look at some of the ways we have

Deepened Prayer ...

As we enter the month of May, the chaplaincy team have set up a craft stall to make and sell decades for children to use at home. This will continue throughout the term with all money raised donated to charity.

As we enter the season of Lent, the chaplaincy team have created Lenten jars so that each class can try to carry out a daily act of kindness to better themselves and help others. These are linked to the three customs of Pray, Give and fast.

To mark Remembrance Day, the chaplaincy team worked together to create a whole school collective worship.
