At Holy Rood, we resolve to develop a sense of awe and wonder at God’s creation for our children - where creativity flourishes and everyone is inspired to learn, demonstrating a curiosity about the world around them. This is reflected in our curriculum design, where we provide our children with an inclusive learning environment in which to explore, enquire, face challenges and have fun whilst on their learning journey. We have developed a fully comprehensive curriculum framework that meets the requirements of the National Curriculum as well as ensuring coverage and progression of key skills, knowledge and vocabulary. High importance is also placed on additional curriculum enhancements, which ensure the personal and social development of pupils through a wide range of ‘Holy Rood 42’ additional experiences and opportunities.
Our school values and mission statement are intertwined and well embedded within our curriculum; every child at Holy Rood embarks on a learning journey in a Catholic school community with an instilled sense of belonging, where they are recognised and valued as unique individuals. With regular opportunities for reflection, including during collective worship, we place a high focus on developing children’s moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding (including British Values) alongside physical development, well-being and mental health.
In all that we teach, we place a particular focus on language and vocabulary development, following clear pathways of progression and using a variety of resources and learning styles to enable children to secure and deepen their conceptual understanding. We strive to ensure that all of our learners are able to face new challenges with confidence and a ‘can do’ attitude, providing children with the opportunities to make links in their learning and build on skills previously learnt. We also work creatively to provide our children with real-life experiences, ensuring there is a purpose in which to embed their learning, as well as encouraging the children to enquire and ask their own questions which help to form the direction of their future learning.
We continuously monitor and review our curriculum, further developing the delivery and effectiveness of its design, with our children at the heart of our decision making.
If you require any further information on our school curriculum, please contact the school office -