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School Logo

Holy Rood

Catholic Primary School

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New Parents

Preparing for School

Useful websites to help prepare your child for starting school

Let's Get Ready for School Leaflets for Parents

What is it like at Holy Rood Primary school?

Currently we have two classes in Reception. We also have a large, well-resourced outdoor area that we have access to daily.


Take a look inside our classrooms.


This is the school hall. We come here to eat our lunch, have assemblies and do our PE lessons

This is the playground where we play after we have had out lunch.

Our Uniform

The governors and staff positively encourage the wearing of school uniform. It is smart, practical and economical and promotes equality for all.    


Click to view our school uniform stocked at www.monkhouse.com


The above store supplies uniform displaying our logo. Branded uniform is not compulsory, however all items must be worn in the school colours detailed below. Non branded items can be purchased from any supermarket / school uniform shop. 


The uniform consists of:
    Blue polo shirt*
    Grey trousers/Grey shorts 
    Navy pullover/navy cardigan/school sweatshirt*
    Grey skirt/pinafore dress
    Blue and white checked or striped dress (summer)


PE Kit:  Blue shorts, white T shirt* and daps – to be kept in PE kit bag


Children are also required to have a library bag* to keep help our school books in good condition. Please ensure that all items of school clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name. 


We also have our own uniform shop, where good quality second hand items can be purchased directly from the school. If you would like to have a look at our shop, please click HERE
