The Multiplication Tables Check
The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is an assessment that the Government has recently introduced for all pupils in Year 4. It is an online assessment that has been designed to assess whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will also help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the MTC will be optional for 2021. However, from 2022 onwards the MTC will be compulsory, with all pupils in Year 4 completing the assessments in June.
The MTC is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times tables questions, which means it will be completed on a computer. Your child will answer 3 practice questions before moving on to the official check and will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.