SEND Provision
Provision for all our children begins with Quality First Teaching. For those children that may have been identified as requiring additional support we use the Assess, Plan, Do, Review process to ensure that all children have access to the support necessary to engage in a full curriculum and make good progress.
Class teachers take responsibility for the providing this additional support with the school day and with the support of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) will monitor and review the progress made. Thus ensuring that where necessary and appropriate, changes made to the provision enables individuals to make the best progress they can.
For full information on the support we offer, please see our SEND Policy.
If you would like to speak to Jo Beard (SENDCo, please call the office on 01793 523802 or email
We Aim for our pupils to:
- Achieve the best they possibly can.
- Flourish and grow as a result of an exciting and enriched curriculum.
- Develop independence and resilience that will support their transition into adult life.
- Be actively involved in decisions about their education.
- Be supported in the best possible way to engage and access the curriculum and the wider school life.
As a school, we provide the following support for all pupils including those with SEND:
- An inclusive setting.
- High expectations for all pupils.
- Access to a full curriculum.
- Involvement of parents, carers, pupils and staff to create the best possible provision.
- Regular meetings and discussions where progress is monitored against targets set using our Individual Education Plans.
- Clear provision mapping across the school that outlines, identifies, monitors and tracks support for individuals.
- Interventions that are closely assessed, monitored and evaluated to provide the most effective support for individuals.
- Utilisation of outside agencies and services to learn from specialist advice and resources in order to support individuals.
- A whole school approach to supporting those with individual needs by promoting Quality First Teaching across the school.
- Teaching that supports identification and correction of misconceptions to ensure knowledge is embedded.
- Continuing Professional Development and training of staff and the SENDCo in order to develop knowledge, understanding and best practice for those with additional needs.
- Actively seeking to remove the barriers to learning and participation.