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School Logo

Holy Rood

Catholic Primary School

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Prayer Life

As a school we believe that Christian worship in a Catholic school is concerned with giving glory, honour, praise and thanks to God. Religious Education of our children not only imparts knowledge as they learn about their Faith, but also deepens their relationship and friendship with God. This is done through deepening prayer in many different forms such as song, role play, music art and dance. The children have many opportunities to pray and as a school we deliver worship through whole school liturgy, class Prayer and Liturgy, hymn practise, Children's Mass and whole school celebrations. 


*Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their children from RE lessons and Prayer and Liturgies.





Last term, the children were invited to a Crowning service to pray and present flowers as a way of honouring Mary as Jesus' mother.

Thank you to all of our families/carers, children, staff, governors and parish Priest for all attending our fantastic parent session. The children thoroughly enjoyed walking family members through the prayer stations. We have appreciated all of your positive feedback, thank you!

KS2 children enjoy planning and delivering their own Prayer and Liturgies. Our KS1 children support the class teachers during these times.

A huge well done to our Chaplain leaders who delivered an assembly across both sites linked to Catholic Social Teachings.

At the start of each big term, the children work in small groups to plan their class Prayer and Liturgy. They plan the religious artefacts they will use, how to share the gospel reading, the action linked to the theme and finally a message to go forth.
