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Holy Rood

Catholic Primary School

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Spelling Resources

Spelling at Home

There are lots of resources for you to use at home to support you with your spellings!


Remember to use the National Curriculum word lists, Common Exception Words, High Frequency Words and other spelling rules which can be found in the middle of your reading record.


There are also lots of fun online games to play...



KS2 Spelling Games                                                                               


KS2 Spelling Games

BBC Bitesize

Spelling learner guides


Remember to also practise words from the KS2 Statutory word lists which you can find below:

Below are some ideas for spelling activities:

  • Choose 5 words from the list and then write a synonym (a word which means the same), an antonym (a word which means the opposite), the meaning of the word and an example of how to use the word in a sentence.
  • Choose 10 words and write them in different styles e.g. rainbow/colourful writing, curly writing, bold writing, fancy writing.
  • Choose 10 words and write them in different materials e.g. chalk, pebbles, paint, water.
  • Ask an adult/older sibling to quiz you on the spellings.
  • Use the Spelling Frame website to practise your words.