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School Logo

Holy Rood

Catholic Primary School

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Contact Details


After School Clubs

We offer a variety of After School Clubs.  

You will have received a message via SchoolPing stating if your child has been successful in gaining a place in a club.

Please collect you child promptly from club.


Excellent attendance and behaviour is expected at all clubs.



Groundwell Road Site


Upham Road Site




Mixed Football Club with

Soccer Excellence


Boys Football Academy



Art Club 


School Netball team 



Multi-Sports with HS Sports


Martial Arts with Success Martial Arts 


Art Club 



Gymnastics with Fortius PE


Girls Football Academy with HS Sports




Martial Arts



LKS2 Boys Football Academy 


Gymnastics/Dance with Fortius PE



Here are some photos of the children enjoying their after school clubs. 


Cooking Club have been enhancing their culinary skills and learning new skills whilst making lots of delicious and healthy snacks. 


In Football club the children have been continuing their football journey learning ball control and essential skills for the game, whilst our Martial Arts children have been working on their stance, balance, posture and strength. 


There are still places available for in some clubs. If you would like to enrol your child for a place in one of the clubs listed above - please call the school office on 01793 523802. Thank you 


