Swimming Lessons for KS2
Swimming lessons are part of the school curriculum for all KS2 children at Holy Rood Primary School. The lessons take place at the Link Centre or Health Hydro swimming pools.
On swimming days, the children will need to bring the following kit with them;
• Swimming costume (Boys should wear swimming shorts not long shorts that fall below the knee. Girls costumes should be one piece not bikinis)
• Swimming hat for those with shoulder length hair
• Towel
• Plastic bag for wet clothes
If your child does not have the correct kit, parents will be contacted and asked to bring a kit in before the lesson.
Goggles are permitted as long as permission is given by parents. They must be of good quality and the children need to understand how to put them on and take them off. Please read the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure protection of the eyes from impact damage through stretching the eye pieces away from the face with wet fingers. Please note that for some activities your child will be asked to remove their goggles.
The instructors are aware that some of the children can already swim and are skilled at ensuring every lesson is differentiated to ensure they all benefit from this experience.
All payments for these lessons should be made online using ParentPay. If you do not have access to the internet please contact the office to request a barcoded letter.
As always, under the terms of the Education Reform Act, this is a voluntary contribution and if the costs are not met the activity may have to be cancelled. We are aware that for some families these payments may cause difficulty and if this is the case, please make an appointment to see Miss Fry.