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Holy Rood

Catholic Primary School

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Year 6 News and Whole Year Events

Year 6 Leavers' Mass 


The Year 6s took a trip to St Paul's Cathedral to attend their Year 6 Leavers' Mass. The children were extremely well behaved and reverent throughout the service, showing our School Values of Love, Respect and Prayer. A big well done to our readers who read the Bidding Prayers beautifully and with confidence. You have all made our school proud - well done! 

Year 6 Residential 2024

Year 6 had a brilliant time on their residential to Morfa Bay in Wales! They showed our school values of resilience and courage when completing a variety of exciting activities, such as: caving, rock climbing, abseiling, archery and swimming in the sea! Take a look at our photos from the week...

Topic Web - Terms 5 & 6

Year 6 SATs Parent Meeting 2024

Topic Web - Terms 3 & 4

Year 6 Parent Welcome Meeting 2023

Topic Web - Terms 1 & 2
