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Holy Rood

Catholic Primary School

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Anderson Shelters!

Ospreys enjoyed their DT day making Anderson shelters to protect an egg during a air raid! They collaborated well in teams to create strong and stable structures that would withstand force. We then tested them on the field by throwing 'bombs' on them to see if the egg survived! Some of our designs were very successful!

Art Enrichment Day

To celebrate the end of SATs week, Ospreys have had a brilliant art day! They have engaged in a range of different art activities that have stretched their creativity and imagination - they became fashion designers, sculptors and illustrators! Take a look at some of their creations...

Christmas Cakes!

As part of our Holy Rood 42, Ospreys had a lot of fun making and decorating their own Christmas cakes. We hope they enjoyed eating them as much as making them! laugh 

Design & Technology - Buzzer Games!

Ospreys enjoyed creating their very own buzzer games during out DT day this week! We took inspiration from some board games we enjoyed playing (including Operation!) and were able to use our knowledge of simple circuits to make a wire buzzer game.

The Aztecs - Cadbury World
Year 6 travelled back 1,000 years on their trip to Cadbury World this term. While having fun and tasting yummy chocolate, they discovered the origins of the cocoa bean and how this was central to the Aztec culture. They deepened their knowledge about the Aztec warriors, as well as a fierce Emperor known as 'Aztec Emperor Montezuma', who was very protective over his chocolate, especially his favourite drink - 'chocolatl'! 

