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Holy Rood

Catholic Primary School

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In Year 5 this term, our big question is ‘What makes our world wonderful?’. We have started exploring this question by learning about rivers: their features, their uses and famous rivers around the world. Last week, we were lucky enough to go on a trip to the river - the River Cole- where we were able to river dip, learn about the local mill, weave fish with willow and learn more about the river’s ecosystem. As Spring has finally decided to arrive, we had a lovely sunny day to enjoy our activities!

It’s been a busy start to the year in Year 5 and settling into life in Upper Key Stage 2!

We have been exploring our Enquiry big question, ‘Do you have to be a hero to make a difference?’ by looking at a range of different British inventors, including Alexander Graham Bell, Tim Berners-Lee and a more recent inventor – Professor Sarah Gilbert.

In Science, we have been learning about forces and space, which included an exciting lesson using Oreos!

Finally, we have continued on our Holy Rood 42 journey by having a film night at our very own Holy Rood Cinema, where we watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets with our friends and some tasty popcorn!

Watch this space to see what the Spring term has install for us!
