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Holy Rood

Catholic Primary School

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11th July 2024

Today we had our school trip to Roves Farm. We had an amazing time looking at all the animals, feeding the goats, holding the piglets, riding the tractor and making mouse houses!

14th June 2024

Today we had a special visit from Jonathan's Jungle Roadshow. He showed us some fascinating minibeasts (and not so mini beasts!). We got to hold the snake!

18th April 2024

Today, we visited Queens Park to look for signs of spring. We went on a colour hunt and did some observational drawings of things we could see that let us know it was spring.

9th February 2024

Today we celebrated Chinese New Year. We did Chinese writing, decorated dragon masks and made fans.

12th December 2023

Today Otter class dressed up and performed in Holy Rood Church for our Christmas performance. The children sang beautifully! Well done everyone!

7th November 2023

Today we visited Queen's Park to look for signs of Autumn. The children collected lots of leaves of different colours, and enjoyed looking at all the different things in the park. We saw swans, squirrels and even a hole which we think might be a badger's home! The children were fantastic and we would also like to say a huge thank you to the parents who came along to help!

6th September 2023

Today the children from Otters class had their first days at school! 
